While in a few parts of the world, some churches and denominations are in decline, globally, Jesus’ church is exploding with growth.
In China more people worship Jesus than in America. In Africa, the number of Christians has grown to 500 million. In Asia, Christianity is growing at twice the rate of population growth. More Muslims have come to Christ in the last 15 years than in the previous 15 centuries.
Every day the average number added to the body of Christ worldwide averages 174,000 and 3,500 new churches are opening every week worldwide.
Jesus said, “I will build my church.” And He is!
Then why is the growth of Jesus’ church slower, plateaued, or declining in some Western nations including the USA? I’m not an expert but I wonder if these are some of the factors:
True Christianity is alive, thriving, and available to all who deny themselves and follow Jesus.