To the Rich Young Ruler Jesus said, “sell EVERYTHING, give to the poor, and follow Me” (Luke 18:22).
Jesus commended Zacchaeus for his commitment to “give HALF of all he possessed to the poor” (Luke 19:8, 9).
Jesus commanded ALL His followers to “sell their possessions and give to the poor” (Luke 12:33).
What do we conclude from these three stories from Jesus’ life and teachings?
To the indignant reader who is crying, “That’s socialism,” let’s be reminded that socialism and capitalism as economic systems currently defined and/or practiced in the 21stcentury did not exist in the first century. What “this” is, is an effort to insert Jesus’ teachings and commands as talking points in any discussion of wealth and poverty. We must not use political rhetoric or secular economic theory to demonize or ignore the mandates Jesus gave to His followers.
Rather than arguing economic theory, political talking points, or party platforms, perhaps we should be asking questions such as: