Yesterday I chased two would-be thieves out of my back yard. When I showed up they were so afraid of me that they both jumped the fence in a single leap. Don’t be overly impressed by my intimidating crime prevention. The would-be thieves were a doe and fawn who were about to devour my not-quite ripe tomatoes. Now I know why a number of them have disappeared from the vines. In reality, I didn’t intentionally chase them off–I love deer…..
Visiting Maple Grove Community Church during their honeymoon, Brendan and Tanya glanced at each other with raised eyebrows when they realized that the pastor was a woman. Both came from churches where there had been unchallenged agreement that the Bible limits the pastoral office to men. They grew up being reminded that the Bible commands that women “should remain silent” in the church (1 Cor. 14:34)and that they are notpermitted “to teach or to have authority over a man”(1 Tim.2:23)……
Welcome. My name is Bill Rudd, author of Should Women Be Pastors and Leaders in Church? My Journey to Discover What the Bible Says About Gender Roles. I’m so happy to have you as a visitor to my blog. I’ve connected this blog to my website about my book because I hope to share my excitement about my journey and the things I’m learning about gender roles in the Bible. I’ll be sharing personal stories and biblical- and life-related thoughts, some guest…..